Tag Archives: Poems

Figuring It Out

Figuring it out

That’s all we’re really doing isn’t it?

I used to think we all got it

We don’t,

I thought I had it

I didn’t,

That knocked me down,


It held me there

Face buried in dirt,

Until I pushed back

And pushed up,

I’ve come a long way

Stumbling all the time

Falling as I went,

It’s all here in these pages,

I know now that which I didn’t then:

You don’t ever figure it out.

But that doesn’t mean you stop trying,

You die every night and are born again every day,

I am not the person that started this book

And neither are you,

I am not the person that will finish this book

And neither are you,

But that’s ok

That’s just how it is,

Every death is a lesson

And every birth is a reason

And all we are doing

Is figuring it out.

Poem For All Of My Friends

Without people

This would be a very lonely rock, travelling through space

Without people

I would be a very lonely rock, not getting very far

Without friends

My memories would be darkness

And my future would be dust

You are my reason, my light, and my hope

Without you, “Adam” is just a word

I may see you every day

Or hardly at all

We could be apart for days, weeks or years

Yet you will always be a part of me

Never forget: you are reason

You are light

You are hope

And you have made “Adam” mean so much more.

The Runner

One foot in front of the other


And again

And again

From the start

To the finish

As simple as that

The calm beauty of running

Lost in the moment

It does not matter

If I am running toward anything

Or away from anything

Only that I am running

That I have decided to

And I decide to keep going

Blissful solitude

Body and mind fighting in unison

I am power

And grace

My eyes are forward

One foot in front of the other


And again

And again

From the start

To the finish

And then the stumbling begins.